Mobile population has now surpassed Internet population. There are over 85 million mobile users in India and the growing by leaps and bounds. This revolution is fast turning the mobile device into a critical marketing medium and this concept is rapidly gaining momentum.
Why your business need targeted SMS marketing ?
To focus on your targeted customers To focus on region based business To establish direct link with potential customersTo inform target customer about the existing offers / new servicesTo widen the business chances
The following features make SMS marketing, a powerful marketing tool
Global reach : Mobile phone penetration and SMS usage amongst mobile phone users is high and growing fast.
Low Cost : The cost of interaction using SMS is low in comparison to mail and telephone. Unlike Email and Web, SMS is priced by the number of messages sent, and not by the bandwidth usage.
Always On : Mobile phone is always on, in the pocket of the user. The user is almost always alerted to arrival of SMS at the instant of delivery. And the user can also respond instantly.
Discreet : Although SMS is always on, unlike a phone call, it allows the user the option to view the message at a later point. It is messaging sans conversation, and hence that much less intrusive, and can remain completely private.
Instant delivery : Delivery of SMS messages is instant, making it an ideal medium for alerts and timed notifications.
Existing Infrastructure : No need to update phone device. The SMS facility is inbuilt property of any phone device.
Human touch : The short-text nature of an SMS message makes it nearly impossible to distinguish between the feel of one generated by a human, and one auto-generated by software.
Storage : SMS messages can be saved till the time the user wishes to delete them. This feature, combined with the always-on aspect to SMS makes it possible to send content that needs to be saved and used further.
Instant Consumption : Unlike mail and email, SMS messages have a low propensity to pile up and remain unread. They will usually get read as soon as they are received.
Stable identifier : A persons mobile number is likely to be used only by that person, the only one being used by that person, and not be changed frequently.